April 8, 2015

What Can I Do with My Income Tax Refund?

fbook_headerWhat can I do with my income tax refund? You can support NationsUniversity.

We focus on God’s Word.

Our Partners are an essential part of our team. Everything we do is for the purpose of raising the standards of biblical teaching and preaching around the world, equipping God’s people with God’s Word to grow in Christ-likeness and to fulfill God’s mission in the world.

We trust God’s Word to bring lasting change.

We invest in the teaching of God’s Word and see it yield immeasurable results, changing hearts and minds, creating lasting impact, addressing sin and social issues with truth, leading to action and application into all walks of life.

We invest in what multiplies.

Our ministry reproduces for years to come. God takes the seeds we plant and grows His kingdom beyond what we could ever hope or imagine. Ministers feed their congregations, raising up new generations of biblically mature believers. Scholars train future Christian ministers and leaders, who equip God’s people for their service in the world. Biblical books equip leaders, speak to congregations, and nourish the church for its participation in God’s mission.

When you partner with NationsUniversity, you help provide the resources needed to raise the standards of biblical preaching in the global church, leading to a chain reaction of changed lives. When God’s people are equipped with God’s Word, lives are transformed for His glory.

Click HERE to donate and learn more. Be sure to follow us on social media and to forward this to your friends.


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