March 26, 2018

Does NationsUniversity offer academic programs that provide students with opportunities for personal, spiritual, and professional development?

85% of students will agree or strongly agree with the statement “My faith was increased due to my studies at NU” in the Program Completion Survey.

96.77% agreed or strongly agreed

85% of students will agree or strongly agree with the statement “The education I received from NU trained me to become a Christian leader” in the Program Completion Survey.

93.55% agreed or strongly agreed compared to 93.75 in 2016.

30% of graduates in the B.R.S. program will apply to graduate studies as measured by applications to NU’s graduate programs or requests for transcripts to be sent to other programs. (Current national average is about 39% but is generally lower in liberal arts and humanities.)

This measure was new last year. NU has now entered into an agreement with a digital transcript service. This service will track the purpose of the requested transcript; however, the service was delayed until late 2015 so data is unavailable for the full year.