September 17, 2018

Weekly Reflection – God is Ready

Weekly Reflection – God is Ready

“God is ready to assume full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to him.” Andrew Murrey

These were the words posted on a note card of a dying cancer patient some years ago. They are as true today as they were then. The patient had also collected another prayer that went like this.

There is nothing to strive for.
Be anxious for nothing…it is a waste of time.
God is going to do what is best. His power is sufficient. He is able.
Thank you, Father God.

Knowing this I allow for Divine purposes in everything.
The Devil and the demons may stir up something,
But God will use it for good.
Thank you, Father God.

Maybe it is for a demonstration of faith, patience, longsuffering on my part.
These demonstrations are beautiful in the sight of God and man.
Our bearing of this spiritual fruit in our attitudes and reactions
Is our purpose in being.
Maybe this event is for my education. Maybe there is something to be learned.
I will watch and listen.
I will come with emotional reactions from the Truth
And not in accordance with circumstances.

I am satisfied with God’s love and provision for me regardless
Of circumstances or possessions.

It is sufficient to know him, his love, His sure protection and provision.
I need nothing more.
My source is not other people or circumstances.
My source is the Lord. Blessed be His name.

Higher than the heavens, deeper than the sea
Is my Father’s love ever given unto me.
Blessed with every blessing, who could want for more?
I revel in His goodness, no matter what the score.

Let us not forget, “God is ready to assume full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to him.”

Blessings and peace,

Chaplain Allen

Read more reflections by the Chaplain, Into the Mirror Dimly