August 25, 2022

Reflections – Looking for Happiness

Reflections – Looking for Happiness

People search all their lives looking for happiness. This week’s reflection features a piece written by Mr. Raymond Key. He speaks from a lifetime of experience.

Blessings and peace,

Chaplain Allen

When I lose something I search for i. I begin by going to the last place that I remember seeing it. Often, I seek in the wrong place. Sometimes the search is short, and I am immediately rewarded for my efforts. Sometimes I seek for a lifetime and do not find what I am looking for.

I seek a good self-esteem and fulfillment.  How one views them self will set the emotional scene for the home and family. The one who gratefully takes what God has given them will have a good self-esteem and realization of their dreams.

I seek happiness. Too often, like the prodigal son, I set my search for happiness outside my father’s house. (Luke 13:11-32). Like the prodigal son, I too find that happiness is back where I left it. Happiness is much like a butterfly, a thing of beauty, fragile, and easily crushed. When I chase happiness, like the butterfly, it is always just out of my reach.  It is just on the next flower, or just at the end of my fingertips. But if I sit quietly and get on with my life, the butterfly (happiness) will softly, and often without warning, come and sit on my shoulder. We learn to be happy. It helps to have learned the “happiness habit” from childhood, but it is never too late to begin at any time in our lives.

Fear God!

But wait a minute! How can I be happy with my life? Too much has happened to change my life from the way I had planned and the dreams that I sought. I did not get the job that I ]wanted. I did not get to buy my dream house. My husband lost his job. My children have broken my heart. ‘The doctor’s report said “cancer.” A drunk driver ran a red-light and destroyed my child’s health.  Death changed my life forever. My marriage failed. I am not aging gracefully. We could list all kinds of problems that occur in our lives. How can I be happy? Solomon had everything! He concluded that, “Vanity of vanities saith the preacher. All is vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 12:8) “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep HIS commandments. For this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Helen Keller, who faced many problems, said, “I have found life so beautiful!” If I live my life as a child of God, I do not have to seek after happiness. Regardless of the trials and tribulations that occur in my life, happiness will come to me. Notice that I did not say that tears and sorrow would not at sometimes be a constant companion in my life.

King David

David was intelligent, a singer of songs, a musician, a poet, a diplomat, a warrior king, a politician, and a man of great passion.

Yet he suffered. Saul pursued him. He fought battles. He did not get to build the temple. His son plotted against him. He lost children to death. He sinned by taking another man’s wife, and then he tried to cover up his sin by having the woman’s husband killed by having him sent into a battle which would result in certain death. He went from a shepherd’s hut to a king’s palace. Yet he continued to remember God’s power and to praise God. He also suffered bitter anguish and pleaded with God not to cast him from God’s presence or take His Holy Spirit from him.

Happiness is internal. We base it on ideas, thoughts and attitudes. God promises, “All things work together for good for them that love God.” (Romans 8:28). When I lose something I search for i. I begin by going to the last place that I remember seeing it. Often, I seek in the wrong place. Sometimes the search is short, and I am immediately rewarded for my efforts. Sometimes I seek for a lifetime and do not find what I am looking for. (Romans 8:28).

One ship drives East and another drives West,
With the selfsame winds that blow.
Tis the set of the sails and not the gales
Which tells us the way to go.



Written by Raymond Key



Disclaimer statement: Please note that the opinions expressed herein, Looking For Happiness, are those of the Raymond Key alone and are based on his personal understanding of scripture and how God works in our lives.

Read more Reflections: Chaplain’s Corner